星期六, 15 3月 2025

【升学资讯】UNIMY - Digital Technology Intensive Programme (DiTIP)

UNIMY will be organizing a course, Digital Technology Intensive Programme (DiTIP) in April - June 2021

- structured online programme that equip students with the fundamental skills revolving digital technology.

Course offered:
-Fundamental to Computing (.NET Programming)
-Introduction to Programming (C Programming)
-Introduction to Arts and Design (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator)

Dates available (all three courses running concurrently) :
-5 April - 30 April 2021
-3 May - 28 May 2021
-31 May - 25 June 2021

 Course Fee:
1 Course- RM500
2 Courses- RM900
3 Courses- RM 1200

Benefit of attending:
-Online & Hands On Training
-Jumpstart Your University Life Early on
-Network of Friends with Common Interests
-Credit Transfer to UNIMY Diploma & Foundation Programmes
-Early Exposure to Industry
-Receive Micro-Credential Certificate for each programme

Register: https://www.unimy.edu.my/events-1/digital-technology-intensive-program/form
Tel: 1300-88-5008
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No.14 Jalan Junid, 84000 Muar, Johor, Malaysia. 
Tel:06-9522632   Fax:06-9515611 
Email: chhsmuar@chhs.edu.my Website:www.chhs.edu.my